Adrienne B. Hancock

Adrienne B. Hancock
Associate Professor
Areas of Expertise
- Transgender Voice and Communication
- Voice
- Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
Adrienne Hancock, PhD, CCC-SLP, is an Associate Professor at The George Washington University. Her primary research addresses voice and communication as it relates to gender expression, particularly for people who are transgender. Winner of the GW Bender Teaching Award and CCAS Excellence in Graduate Student Mentoring Award, Dr. Hancock is known for innovative and effective teaching and is currently serving as the Director of Graduate Studies in the SLHS department.
Current Research
Dr. Hancock has examined voice physiology as well as the psychosocial influence of voice and communication skills for transgender speakers. Additional areas of inquiry are pedagogical practice in higher education and treatment outcome studies using sing-subject design. She has published several peer-reviewed articles, presented nationally and internationally, and serves as the lead author for the upcoming voice and communication chapter of WPATH's Standards of Care. She is a co-author of Transforming Voice and Communication with Transgender and Gender Diverse People: An Evidence Based Process.
* indicates GWU student
Hancock, A.B. (in revision). Role of speech science in a person-centered model of care for gender diverse people. ASHA Perspectives.
Azul, D.A., Hancock, A. B., Lundberg, T., Nygren, U., & Dhejne, C. (2022). Supporting well-being in gender diverse people: A tutorial for implementing conceptual and practical shifts towards culturally-responsive, person-centered care in speech-language pathology. AJSLP.
*Hawley, J.L. & Hancock, A.B. (2021). Incorporating mobile app technology in voice modification protocol for transgender women. Journal of Voice.
Hancock, A.B. & *Downs, S. (2021) Listening to gender-diverse people of color: Barriers to accessing voice and communication care. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 30(5), 2251-2262.
Azul, D. Hancock, A.B., Nygren, U. (2020). Forces affecting voice function in gender-diverse people assigned female at birth. Journal of Voice, 35(4), 662.e15-e.34.
Azul, D. & Hancock, A. B. (2020). Development of a transdisciplinary theoretical approach to clinical practice addressing voice and the communication of speaker socio-cultural belonging. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 22, 559-570.
Hancock, A.B., *Childs, K., Irwig, M. (2017). Trans male voice in the first year of testosterone: Make no assumptions. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 60(9), 2472-2482.
Irwig, M.S., *Childs, K., & Hancock, A.B. (2017). Effects of Testosterone on the Transgender Male Voice. Andrology, 5, 107-112.
Hancock, A.B. (2017). An IFC perspective on voice-related quality of life of American transgender women. Journal of Voice, 31(1), 115.e1-115.e8.
Brundage, S. & Hancock, A.B. (2016). Utility of virtual reality environments to examine physiological reactivity and subjective anxiety in adults who stutter. Journal of Fluency Disorders, 50, 85-95.
Hancock, A.B., (available online). An ICF perspective on voice-related quality of life of American transgender women. Journal of Voice.
Hancock, A.B., & *Haskin, G. (2015). Speech-language pathologists' knowledge and attitudes regarding lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender & queer (LGBTQ) populations. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology.
Hancock, A.B. (2015). The role of cultural competence in serving transgender populations. Perspectives on Voice and Voice Disorders, 25, 37-42.
Brundage, S.B. & Hancock, A.B. (available online, 2015). Real enough: Using virtual public speaking environments to evoke feelings and behaviors targeted in stuttering assessment and treatment. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology.
Hancock, A.B., *Stutts, H.W. & Bass, A. (2015). Perceptions of gender and femininity based on language: Implications for transgender communication therapy. Language and Speech. DOI: 10.1177/0023830914549084
Hancock, A.B. & *Gross, H.E. (2015). Acoustic and aerodynamic measures of the voice during pregnancy. Journal of Voice, 29(1), 53-58. DOI: 10.1016/j.voice.2014.04.005
Hancock, A.B. & *Rubin, B.A. (2015). Influence of communication partner's gender on language. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 34(1), 46-64. DOI: 10.1177/021927X14533197
Hancock, A.B., Colton, L., & Douglas, F. (2013). Intonation and Gender Perception: Applications for Transgender Speakers. Journal of Voice.
Hancock, A.B. & *Helenius, L. (2012). Adolescent Male-to-Female transgender voice and communication therapy. Journal of Communication Disorders.
Hancock, A.B. & *Garabedian, L (2013). Transgender voice and communication treatment: A retrospective chart review of 25 cases. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders.
Ekmekci, O., Hancock, A.B., Swayze, S. (2012). Teaching research methods to graduate students: Lessons learned from three different programs. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 24(2).
Hancock, A.B., Schulz, G., & Whelan, B. (2011). Quality of language before and after posteroventral pallidotomy for Parkinson's disease. Journal of Medical Speech-Language Pathology.
Hancock, A.B., *Krissinger, J. & *Owen, K. (2011). Voice perceptions and quality of life of transgender people. Journal of Voice, 25(5), 553-558.
Youmans, S., Youmans, G., & Hancock A.B. (2011). The social validity of script training related to the treatment of apraxia of speech. Aphasiology, 25(9), 1078-1089.
Youmans, G., Youmans, S., & Hancock, A.B. (2011). Script training treatment applied to individuals with Apraxia of Speech. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology. 20(1) 23-37.
*Owen, K., & Hancock, A.B. (2010). The role of self- and listener perceptions of femininity in voice therapy. International Journal of Transgenderism, 12(4), 272-284.
Kim, I., Hancock, A. & LaPointe, L. (2010). The motoric-cognition reaction time dilemma in Parkinson Disease: Influence of initiation delay. Journal of Speech-Language & Hearing Disorders, 19(4).
*Morton, E., Brundage, S.B. & Hancock, A.B. (2010). Validity of the Proficiency in Oral English Communication Screening. Contemporary Issues in Sciences and Disorders, 37, 153-166.
*Friedman, I., Hancock, A.B., Bamdad, M.J. & Schulz, G. (2010). Using motor learning to treat speech: The modified motor learning approach. Journal of Medical Speech-Language Pathology, 18(1).
Hancock, A.B., & Brundage, S.B. (2010). Formative feedback, rubrics and assessment of professional competency through a speech-language pathology graduate program. Journal of Allied Health, 39(2), 110-119.
Hancock, A.B., *Stone, M., Brundage, S., & Zeigler, M. (2010). Public speaking attitudes: Does curriculum make a difference? Journal of Voice, 24(3), 302-307.
Brundage, S., Hancock, A., *Kiselewich, K., & *Stallings, P. (2007). Affective behavioral and cognitive measures of stuttering during speeches to virtual and live audiences. Proceedings of the 12th annual CyberTherapy conference: Transforming Healthcare Through Technology. San Diego: Interactive Media Institute, p. 318.
Hancock, A.B., LaPointe, L.L., Stierwalt, J.A.G., Bourgeois, M.S., & Zwaan, R.A. (2007). Computerized measures of verbal working memory performance in healthy elderly participants. Contemporary Issues in Communication Disorders, 34, 73-85.
Brundage, S.B., Hancock, A.B., *Kiselewich, K., Grapp, K., Brooks, J., & Ferrer, M. (2007). PWS and Non-PWS self-reports of communication apprehension and confidence when giving speeches to virtual and live audiences. In J. Au-Yeung and M. Leahy (Eds.) Proceedings of 5th World Congress on Fluency Disorders: Research, treatment, and self-help in fluency disorders: new horizons (pp. 439-445), Dublin: International Fluency Association.
Hancock, A., LaPointe, L., Stierwalt, J., Bourgeois, M., Zwaan, R., & Maitland, C. (2006). Computerized measures of working memory in Parkinson's disease. Movement Disorders, 21(S13), S99.
Hancock, A., LaPointe, L., Maitland, C., Stierwalt, J., Heald, G. (2006). Longitudinal effect of Parkinson's disease on managing distraction during cognitive tasks. Movement Disorders, 21(S13), S99.
LaPointe, L., Stierwalt, J.A.G., Hancock, A., Heald, G., Goff, R. (2006). Semantic distraction effects on picture identification in aphasia. Brain and Language, 99, 122-123.
Dijkstra, K., Bourgeois, M.S., Youmans, G.B., Hancock, A.B. (2006). Implications of an advice giving and teacher role on language production in adults with dementia. The Gerontologist, 357-366
LaPointe, L.L., Maitland, C.G., Blanchard, A., Kemker, B.E., Stierwalt, J.A.G., Heald, G.R. (2005). The effects of auditory distraction on visual cognitive performance in multiple sclerosis. Journal of Neuroophthalmology, 25(2), 92-94.
Professional Activities
- Consultant and invited speaker on topics of gender-linked and transgender communication
- Peer review for several professional research journals
- Selection committee for GW Student Commencement Speaker competition
- Judge for student presentations at GW Research Days
- Teaching and Learning Coordinator for SPHR department
- Academic advisor and research supervisor
GW CCAS Excellence in Graduate Student Mentoring, 2016
FSU CCI Distinguished Alumni, 2016
Morton A. Bender Teaching Award, 2015
Classes Taught
SPHR 1011: Voice and Diction
SPHR 2104: Introduction to Speech and Language Disorders
SPHR 6210: Research in Communication Sciences and Disorders
SPHR 6260: Voice Disorders: Evaluation and Treatment