BA in Speech, Language & Hearing Sciences

A Speech and Hearing student communicating in sign with Professor Shelley Brundage

The Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences (SLHS) major provides students with an in-depth knowledge of language, the processes of speech production and hearing and human connection. Designed to suit a variety of interests, the three concentrations within the major can be flexible to match students’ academic goals. Many SLHS majors go on to careers in clinics and therapy programs, and to medical school or other advanced degree programs.


BA Concentration in Communication Sciences & Disorders

A speech and hearing student works with an older patient in the Speech and Hearing Center





This concentration prepares students for graduate or professional study in speech-language pathology, audiology, deaf education, public health and more.

Course Requirements

The following requirements must be fulfilled:

The general requirements stated under Columbian College of Arts and Sciences, Undergraduate Programs.

53 credits, including 38 credits in core courses, 9 credits in additional course requirements, and 6 credits in elective courses.

Required core curriculum
SLHS 1071Foundations of Human Communication
or SLHS 1071W Foundations of Human Communication
SLHS 2101Research Methods
SLHS 2104Speech and Language Disorders
or SLHS 2104W Speech and Language Disorders
SLHS 2105Anatomy and Physiology for Speech, Language, and Hearing
SLHS 2106Neural Substrates of Speech, Language, and Hearing
SLHS 2107Acoustics
SLHS 2108Introduction to Audiology
SLHS 3131Language Acquisition and Development
SLHS 3135Language: Structure, Meaning, and Use
SLHS 3136Phonetics
SLHS 4118WSenior Research Seminar in Communication Sciences and Disorders
SLHS 4119Principles and Methods in Speech-Language Pathology
STAT 1053Introduction to Statistics in Social Science
Other course requirements
One 3-credit Biological Science (BISC) course (service courses excluded)
One 3-credit Physics (PHYS) or Chemistry (CHEM) course
One 3-credit course in a social or behavioral sciences in a subject other than SLHS, Linguistics (LING), or Communication (COMM).
Two courses (6 credits) selected from the following:
SLHS 1072Culturally Responsive Practices in Human Communication.
SLHS 1082American Sign Language II
SLHS 1084Perspectives in Deaf Culture
SLHS 3109Auditory Learning and Aural Rehabilitation
SLHS 3116Brain and Language
SLHS 3133Autism