Voice programs help clients develop their voices through guided change.
Therapy focuses on how to prepare and support the voice for the best possible function and how to modify vocal behaviors and make lifestyle changes to help clients maintain their new voices throughout life.
Clinicians at the Speech and Hearing Center specialize in working with the unique needs of each individual client, creating voice programs based on the results of a comprehensive evaluation.
Treatment Types
Sessions are typically weekly, and holidays generally follow the GW academic calendar.
- Voice training is available for transgender people seeking voice change. The focus of the session is to gradually shape your voice to come into alignment with who you are while maintaining the health and balance of your voice.
- Voice enhancement is designed for anyone who is interested in maximizing the power, clarity, endurance and flexibility of the voice. Many professional speakers including storytellers, attorneys and presenters come to the center to develop a voice that feels more empowering in their work and life.
- Voice therapy is for clients who have been referred to the center by an ear, nose and throat doctor to improve their function and ease in daily life. Singers and actors, attorneys, clergy, teachers, receptionists, sales personnel, physicians, professors and anyone else whose ability to earn a living is impacted negatively by loss of vocal quality and endurance can benefit from voice therapy.
Voice Services Available
- Private voice evaluation
- Introductory group training
- Individual training
- Carryover group training
- Vocal intensives
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