Craig W. Linebaugh

Craig W. Linebaugh
Professor Emeritus of Speech and Hearing Science
Craig Linebaugh retired from the faculty of The George Washington University after 44 years as Professor of Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences and Research Professor of Medicine. From 1997 – 2013, he held a variety of positions in the Office of Academic Affairs, including directing GW’s Virginia Science and Technology Campus, and in 2018 was awarded the Oscar and Shoshana Trachtenberg Prize for service to GW. Dr. Linebaugh published over 50 referred papers in the field of neurologic speech and language disorders and several book chapters. He served as president of the Academy of Neurologic Communication Disorders and Sciences (1990) and is a Fellow of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. His main areas of research included the rehabilitation of neurologic communication disorders, the impacts of stroke and neurodegenerative disease on individuals and their families, and active learning pedagogies.
- Member: American Speech-Language Hearing Association
- Clinical Aphasiology Conference: Steering Committee
- 2018 Conference Program Committee
Fellow of ASHA
Board Certified, Academic of Neurologic Communication Disorders and Sciences
- Aphasia
- Motor Speech Disorders
Aphasia Rehabilitation
Linebaugh, C.W., Shisler, R.J., & Lehner, L. (2005). Cueing hierarchies and word retrieval: A therapy program. Aphasiology, 19, 77-92.
Linebaugh, C.W., Kryzer, K.M., Oden, S.E. & Myers, P.S. (2006). Reappointment of communicative burden in aphasia: A study of narrative interactions. Aphasiology, 20, 84-96.
Post-doctoral Fellow, Speech-Language Pathology, Mayo Clinic, 1975-1976
Ph.D., Speech, Language and Hearing Science, Temple University, 1976
M.A., Speech-Language Pathology, Temple University, 1974
B.A., English Literature, Lebanon Valley College, 1970