Laura Verdun

Laura Purcell Verdun, M.A., CCC/SLP is a licensed and certified Speech-Language Pathologist
with over 30 years of experience in varied settings. She now is a GWU Lecturer teaching
Professional and Clinical Issues in Speech & Hearing. She is solo-owner and practitioner of a
private practice in Washington, DC (Voicetrainer, LLC) providing medical speech pathology, and
professional communication and public speaking services. Laura is an active volunteer with
patient advocacy organizations and professional associations. She enjoys mentoring through
the ASHA S.T.E.P., LMP and CTMP programs. She currently serves on the ASHA CFCC and the
ASHA Ad Hoc Committee on Centennial Planning. In her free time, she enjoys scoping out new
parks throughout the region and hiking with her Bernese Mountain Dog, HANK.