Speechless by Guillermo F. Florez
What would your life be without language?
A film sponsored by the Independent Film Project (www.ifp.org).
5:30-5:45 Registration
5:45-6:00 Introduction to the film
6:00-7:00 View film
7:00-8:00 Q & A with filmmaker, Guillermo Florez, and discussion with
panel comprised of persons with aphasia
Learning Outcomes:
As a result of attending the screening of this documentary and panel discussion, attendees will demonstrate
- an understanding of communication for human identity and the social consequences of its loss
- the effects of aphasia on the lives of significant others, not just the person with aphasia
- World Health Organization’s declaration of health as a human right
Click here for a copy of the flyer and to RSVP.
Guillermo F. Florez, (Director & Producer) directs documentaries and works as a freelancer for other productions in the US, Latin America, Africa and Europe. He is founder of Studiobaba productions, an independent film production company established in Spain, France and India.
Ariadna Seuba Serra (Co-producer) is a Spanish producer, director, editor, colorist and TV presenter. She is co-director of a documentary film festival in Barcelona Spain, and editor of the travel online series Booker Travels, produced in New York and filmed in Africa, the Caribbean and the U.S.