James Mahshie

James Mahshie
James Mahshie is a professor in the Department of Speech, Language and Hearing Science. He has served on a number of committees within GW and has served the profession in various leadership roles including president of the American Association of Phonetic Sciences and president of the Council of Academic Programs in Communication Sciences and Disorders, coordinator of the Special Interest Group on Pediatric Hearing and Hearing Loss for the American Speech, Language and Hearing Association (ASHA). He was elected a fellow of ASHA in 2003. Mahshie’s research program examines speech production and perception by children with cochlear implants and he recently initiated a collaboration with researchers from China on a range of projects focusing on deaf children. Dr. Mahshie teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in SLHS and mentors both undergraduate and graduate research.
- 2024 Reviewer, NIDILRR Rehabilitation Engineering and Research Center – Deafness.
- 2023 Reviewer, NIDILRR Disability and Rehabilitation Research Projects (DRRP) Program:
- 2020 Reviewer, NIDILRR Disability and Rehabilitation Research Projects (DRRP) Program: Technology for Expressive Communication Grant Competition
- 2019 Chair, ASHA Committee to develop a position statement on ASL
- 2017 – 2020 Board of SIG Coordinators member
- 2017 – 2020 Coordinator ASHA Special Interest Group 9 – Hearing and Hearing Loss in Childhood
- SIG 9 Coordinating Committee
- Initial reviewer, 2015 International Congress of Phonetic Sciences
- CCAS Space Committee
- CCAS Research Advisory Committee
- Member: SLP Summit Planning Committee
- Member: Ad hoc joint committee (ASHA, AAA, CAPCSD) to promote a single accrediting body for Audiology academic programs
- Regular reviewer: JSLHR, JASA, Ear and Hearing, Journal of Voice
- External program reviewer: Phonetics Department at Trinity College, Dublin
- President: Council of Academic Programs in Communication Sciences and Disorders
- Executive Board Member: Council of Academic Programs in Communication Sciences and Disorders
- Member: 2004 American Speech-Language Hearing Association Program Committee
- President and member: American Association of Phonetic Science, 2001-2004
Fulbright Distinguished Scholar, recipient - Christchurch, New Zealand
CAPCSD Distinguished Service Award, recipient
Fulbright Recipient, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
Fellow, American Speech-Language Hearing Association
Distinguished Service Award, CAPCSD
Fulbright Senior Specialist
- Deafness
- Cochlear implants and communication abilities
- Speech perception
- Aerodynamic studies of voice and speech production
- Acoustic analysis of speech
- Newborn hearing screening and Loss to follow-up
Dr. Mahshie’s research involves exploration of various aspects of speech production and perception by deaf and hard of hearing individuals. His research includes studies aimed at:
- Characterizing prosody production and perception in children with cochlear implants
- Examination of factors predictive of speech sound production accuracy
- Exploration of sensory factors contributing to literacy development in children with hearing loss
- Study of the relation between perceptual capacity for certain speech features, and the ability to use these features in speech production
- Recently he has been involved in collaborative work aimed at addressing disparities in hearing healthcare among underserved populations
Mahshie, J., & Jordan, N. (2024-25). Bridging Responsive newborn hearing Intervention and Detection through Guided Experiences and Services (BRIDGES): Improving healthcare equity following failed Newborn Hearing Screenings. $19,900 Seed grant from SLHS.
Mahshie, J. & Preciado, D. (2024). BRIDGES: Improving healthcare equity following failed Newborn Hearing Screenings. PCORI Broad Pragmatic Grant submission. Budget = $4.8 Million. – not funded
Mahshie, J., & Preciado, D. (2023). BRIDGES: Improving healthcare equity following failed Newborn Hearing Screenings. NIH R01 Proposal. Budget = $3.8 Million – not funded.
Mahshie, J. (2022-23). Addressing Racial and Socioeconomic Disparities in Pediatric Hearing Healthcare. CCAS Impact Award.
Mahshie, J. (2021-2022). Cross language comparisons of Mandarin and English speaking children with cochlear implants. Confucius Institute Proposal. Funded.
Mahshie, J. (2021-present). Cross language comparisons of Mandarin and English speaking children with cochlear implants. Confucius Institute Proposal. Funded.
Mahshie, J. (2019-present). Prosody and Literacy in Children with Cochlear Implants. CCFF proposal (funded).
Mahshie, J., & Cole, K. (2019-present). University Seminar proposal for interdisciplinary speaker series on Translational Research in Cognitive and Behavioral Sciences.
Mahshie, J. (2018). Research Proposal to the Confucius Institute, 2018 (funded).
Mahshie, J. (2018). Summer Scholarly travel to Como, Italy, to present paper. June, 2018 (funded).
Mahshie, J. (2017). Summer Scholarly travel to Stockholm, Sweden, to present paper. August, 2017.
Choi, S., & Mahshie, J. (2015). Effects of cognitive factors on phoneme categorization in children with cochlear implants. Submitted and funded by CCFF.
Mahshie, J. (2012 - present). Prosody and Voice Characteristics of Children with Cochlear Implants. NIDRR, 2012-2015.
Mahshie, J., & Comer, K. (2014). International collaboration in speech and hearing science. Project funded by the GW Confucius Institute.
Mahshie, J. (2012). Speech and Voice Quality Characteristics of Deaf Children with Cochlear Implants. Submitted and funded by CCFF.
Mahshie, J. (2008-2014). Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center on Hearing Enhancement: Perception and Production of Speech by Children with Cochlear Implants. NIDRR. #H133E080006.
SLHS 2105: Anatomy and Physiology for Speech and Hearing
SLHS 2107: Acoustics
SLHS 3109: Aural rehabilitation/Auditory Learning
SLHS 6205: Professional and Clinical Issues
Clinics Supervised
Consult with Aural Rehabilitation and Voice Clinics
Behzadpour, H.K., Chappetto, J., Ambrose, T., Sideris, I., Buxton, C., Reilly, B.K., Robinson Jr., T.L., Mahshie, J., & Preciado, D.A. (2025). Covid Effects on Adherence to Joint Committee on Infant Hearing Newborn Screening Recommendations. Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery. https://aao-hnsfjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ohn.1152
Mahshie, J., Core, C., & Larsen, M., (2024). Factors affecting consonant production accuracy in children with cochlear implants: Expressive vocabulary and maternal education. Int J Lang Commun Disord., 56 (6), 2312-2332. https://doi.org/10.1111/1460-6984.13075
Mahshie, J., Core, C., & Larsen, M., (2024). Factors affecting consonant production accuracy in children with cochlear implants: Expressive vocabulary and maternal education. Int J Lang Commun Disord., 56 (6), 2312-2332. https://doi.org/10.1111/1460-6984.13075
Mahshie, J., & Larsen, M. (2023). Did you see that? Exploring the role of vision in the development of consonant feature contrasts in children with cochlear implants. Paper published in the proceedings of Interspeech Conference, August 21-25.
Blaiser K. M., & Mahshie, J. (2022). Comfort Levels of Providers Serving Children Who Are Deaf/Hard of Hearing: Discrepancies and Opportunities. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, 7(5), 1432–1448. https://doi.org/10.1044/2022_PERSP-22-00030
Mahshie, J. J., & Larsen, M. D. (2021). Contrastive stress production by children with cochlear implants: Accuracy and acoustic characteristics. JASA Express Letters, 1(11), 115201. https://doi.org/10.1121/10.0007057
Paul, R., Simmons, E., & Mahshie, J. (2020). Prosody in children with atypical development. In Gussenhoven, C., & Chen, A.(eds.), London: Oxford Handbook of Language Prosody.
Gu, W., Yin, J., & Mahshie, J. (2017). Production of Sustained Vowels and Categorical Perception of Tones in Mandarin among Cochlear-Implanted Children. Proceedings of Interspeech,Stockholm, Sweden August, 2017.
Gu, W., Yin, J., & Mahshie, J. (2016) Categorical Perception in Two Pairs of Mandarin Tones among Bimodal Cochlear Implanted Children. Proceedings of the ISCSLP Conference, October 17-20, Tiajin, China.
Recent Presentations
Mahshie, J., & Larsen, M. (2021) Focus Production by Children with Cochlear Implants and Age-Matched Children who are Typically Hearing. Paper presented at ASHA Convention, Washington, DC, November 18-20, 2021.
Mahshie, J. (2020). Focus Production by Children with Cochlear Implants and Age-Matched Children who are Typically Developing. Paper accepted but not presented due to cancelled ASHA conference, San Diego, CA.
Mahshie, J., & Core, C. (2019). Factors . predictive of Consonant Production Accuracy in Children with Cochlear Implants. Poster presented at ASHA, Orlando Florida.
Mahshie, J. (2019). Perception of prosodic phrase boundaries by children with cochlear implants and hearing children. Paper presented at the Alliance for Cochlear Implants conference, Hollywood Beach, FL, July 10-13,2019.
*Ciemnieki, L., & Mahshie, J. (2018). Comparison of Consonant Production by Children with Cochlear Implants and Hearing Children. ASHA Annual Convention, Nov. 15-17, Boston, MA.
Mahshie, J. (2018). Acoustic Characteristics of Voice Produced by Children with Cochlear Implants. ASHA Annual Convention, Nov. 15-17, Boston, MA.
Mahshie, J., & Blaiser, K. (2018). Professional preparation in the U.S. for speech language pathologists and audiologists working with children who are deaf or hard-of hearing. Paper accepted for presentation at the Hearing Across the Lifespan 2018 Conference, Como, Italy, June 7-9, 2018.
Mahshie, J., & Watts, C. (2018) Problem solving and information exchange Chairs 201. Invited presentation at the annual meeting of the Council of Academic Programs in Communication Sciences and Disorder, Austin, TX, April 11-13, 2018.
*Gurss, E., Core, C., & Mahshie, J. (2018). Comparison of /r/ Production in Children with Cochlear Implants and Children with Normal Hearing. CI 2018 Washington, DC, Emerging Issues in Cochlear Implantation, March 7, 2018.
*Gurss, E., Core, C., & Mahshie, J. (2018). Comparison of /r/ Production in Children with Cochlear Implants and Children with Normal Hearing. Research Day 2018,April 10, 2018.
Blaiser, K., & Mahshie, J. (2017). Preparing professionals to serve children who are deaf /hard of hearing: Finding the gap. ASHA annual Convention, Los Angeles, CA, Nov. 9-11.
Gu, W., *Yin J., & Mahshie, J. (2017). Production of Sustained Vowels and Categorical Perception of Tones in Mandarin among Cochlear-Implanted Children. Paper presented at Interspeech,Stockholm, Sweden August, 2017.
Blaiser, K, & Mahshie, J. (2017). Supporting Professionals Serving Children who are Deaf/Hard-ofHearing. Poster presented at the Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) Conference, Atlanta, February, 2017.
Mahshie, J. , Preminger, K., & Ciemniecki, L.* (2016). Production of contrastive stress by children with cochlear implants: Acoustic evidence. Poster presented at ASHA Convention, Philadelphia, PA.
Mahshie, J. (2016). Hearing and Speaking: Speech perception and production in children with cochlear implants. Invited presentation at Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia (April 20, 2016).
Mahshie, J. (2016). Speech perception and production in children with cochlear implants. Invited presentation at Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia (April 7, 2016).
Mahshie, J. (2016). Perception and Production of Segmental and Prosodic Features of Speech by Children with Cochlear Implants. Invited presentation at Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, China (October 12, 2016).
Invited Presentations
Mahshie, J. (2019). The importance of Parent-Centered Early Intervention for Children with Hearing Loss. Invited presentation for at China’s Rehabilitation and Research Center, Beijing, May 7, 2019.
Mahshie, J. & Bamdad, M. (2019). Speech Language Pathology in the US. Invited paper at the Shanghai Everbetter Pubin Children’s Hospital, Shanghai, China, May 10, 2019.
Mahshie, J. (2019). Speech Language Pathology in the US and China. Invited presentation for GW’s East Asian Languages and Literatures Seminar series, March 1, 2019.
Mahshie, J. (2017). Prosody and Voice Characteristics of Children with Cochlear Implants. Invited presentation, Department of Linguistics, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, China, May 25, 2017
Mahshie, J. (2017). Speech Language Pathology in the US – what’s the profession about? Invited presentation, Department of Linguistics, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing China, May 24, 2017.
Mahshie, J. (2017). Speech Therapy with children who are deaf or hard of hearing. Invited presentation, Department of Linguistics, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, China, May 24, 2017.
Mahshie, J. (2017). The importance of Parent-Centered Early Intervention for Children with Hearing Loss. Invited presentation, Shanghai National Children’s Hospital and the Shanghai Rehabilitation Center for Children with Cochlear Implants. May 23, 2017.