Silvio Eberhardt

Silvio Eberhardt
Associate Research Professor of Speech, Language and Hearing Science
Silvio P. Eberhardt is a Research Associate Professor in the Department of Speech, Language and Hearing Science. As a member of the Communication Neuroscience Laboratory he is involved with research on multisensory perception and lipreading using behavioral and electroencephalography (EEG) neuroimaging techniques. He has developed the lab’s custom and fully-automated systems for carrying out behavioral and EEG studies and reformatting the resulting data for analysis and graphical display. He has previously taught engineering and computer science courses at Swarthmore College and Villanova University, and has co-founded several engineering design companies. He is the inventor or co-inventor on ten U.S. Patents.
- Member: American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
- Member: Society for Neuroscience
- Visual speech perception (lipreading)
- Software design
- Embedded microcontroller systems (hardware and software design)
- Audio and video processing
The Communication Neuroscience Laboratory carries out fundamental and applied research on the perceptual, cognitive and neural bases for speech perception and spoken word recognition. Current research areas include tactile perception of speech, development of perceptual training methods to improve speech-in-noise perception by individuals with hearing loss, and exploring why some individuals have trouble understanding speech in noisy environments despite having normal peripheral hearing.
Eberhardt S.P., Auer E.T. and Bernstein L.E . (2014). Multisensory Training can Promote or Impede Visual Perceptual Learning of Speech Stimuli: Visual-Tactile versus Visual-Auditory Training. Front. Human Neurosci. 8. doi=10.3389/fnhum.2014.00829.
Bernstein LE, Eberhardt SP and Auer ET Jr. (2014) Audiovisual spoken word training can promote or impede auditory-only perceptual learning: prelingually deafened adults with late-acquired cochlear implants versus normal hearing adults. Front. Psychol. 5:934. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00934.
Bernstein, L.E., E.T. Auer, S.P. Eberhardt, & J. Jiang (2013). “Auditory perceptual learning for speech perception can be enhanced by audiovisual training,” Frontiers in Neuroscience 01/2013; 7:34.
Eberhardt, S.P., J. Osborne, and T. Rahman (2001), “Classroom evaluation of the Arlyn Arm robotic workstation,” Assistive Technology, Vol. 12 No. 2, pp. 132-143.
Ramanathan, R., S.P. Eberhardt, T. Rahman, W. Sample, R. Seliktar & M. Alexander (2000), “Analysis of Arm Trajectories of Everyday Tasks for the Development of an Upper-Limb Orthosis”, IEEE Trans. Rehabilitation Engineering, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 60-70.
Eberhardt, S.P., M. Neverov* and O. Haneef* (1997). "RunScript: An extendable object-oriented program for computer- controlled psychology experiments, "Behavior Research Methods- Instrumentation and Computers, Vol. 29 No. 3 pp. 313-321. (* Swarthmore student).
Bernstein L.E., M.E. Demorest, and S.P. Eberhardt (1994). "A computational approach to analyzing sentential speech perception: phoneme-to-phoneme stimulus-response alignment", J. Acoust. Soc. Amer., Vol. 95, No. 6, 3617-3622.
Eberhardt, S.P., R. Tawel, T.X Brown, T. Daud and A.P. Thakoor (1992). "Analog VLSI neural networks: Implementation issues and examples in optimization and supervised learning," IEEE Trans. Industrial Electronics, special issue on neural networks, Vol. 39, No. 6, pp. 552-564.
Eberhardt, S.P., L.E. Bernstein, M.E. Demorest, and M.H. Goldstein (1990). "Speechreading sentences with single-channel tactile presentation of voice fundamental frequency," J. Acoust. Soc. Amer., Vol. 88, No. 3, pp. 1274-1285.
Bernstein, L.E., S.P. Eberhardt, and M.E. Demorest (1989). "Single-channel vibrotactile supplements to visual perception of intonation and stress", J. Acoust. Soc. Amer, Vol. 85, No. 1, pp. 397-405.
Postdoctoral work at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA
Ph.D, M.S., Electrical and Computer Engineering, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
B.S., B.S., Biology and Electrical Engineering, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA